
Life Coaching

Have you ever wondered just what is a Life Coach?

Many people have heard about life coaching, but do not know exactly what is a life coach, and what life coaching actually involves.

What is a Life Coach?

A life coach is someone who helps people to discover and realize their potential, and to get what they really want out of life.
Life coaches help people "peel back their layers" and find out who they really are and what they really want from their lives. Life coaching, at its core, is about helping people to find more balance and fulfillment in their lives, and allowing them to get more of what they want out of life, and less of what they don't want. It is a completely individual process, and is tailored to each person, depending on who they are and what they want.
Most people with the right help, support and encouragement, can achieve a lot more than they realize - and a life coach will provide support in order to help people find out what they are really capable of accomplishing.
Benefits of Coaching
The benefits of coaching are numerous. With coaching, people can expect to feel more confident and assertive in their lives. They will gain an increased self-awareness of who they are, what they want, and how they might hold themselves back from achieving this.
A life coach first looks at a person's whole life – this is done because each area of our life affects the others. For example, when our health is poor, or when we are stressed and overworked, our relationships suffer, and when our financial situation is not where we would like it to be, this can affect our zest and enjoyment of life. Thus, it is important to look at our life as a whole before we decide what area we would most like to improve first.

Life Coaching Structure

Life coaching happens over a series of regular scheduled sessions – often one session per week. The sessions are normally conducted via the telephone or in person. The sessions can last from 25 minutes to over an hour.
Sometimes there is ongoing contact on a monthly basis, or other times there is a fixed number of sessions scheduled at the beginning, with the client deciding at the appropriate time whether to continue with the sessions. There is huge flexibility. A client may attend only a few sessions, may attend sessions continuously for a number of months, or may just schedule a number of sessions from time to time. It normally becomes clear during the course of coaching whether more sessions are needed, or if the coaching can be discontinued.
In between coaching sessions, there is time for clients to work on what was discussed in the sessions, and on any “homework” that they may have been assigned by their coach. It is a time to become more self-aware, to take action and to learn from those actions. This is where personal development happens and where clients take what they have learned in the session and apply it to their lives to see where it fits.
Areas of Coaching
Life coaching covers every area of life – money, career, health spirituality, relationships, personal development, and any other area that the client wants to explore. Some specific examples of areas that people like to be coached on include areas as wide ranging as success, stress and anxiety, health and diet, career, relationships, life skills, spirituality and divorce.
As part of coaching, clients may be coached on their vision of their ideal life, on their life purpose, and on gaining the motivation that they need to move forward.
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